
Friday, 3 February 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet for Childrens

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Internet

What is Internet?
The Term internet is Acronym of International Network. It is a network of thousands of computer Networks around the world. Computers are connected using different environments (etc. Cables, Wireless).Internet is a big source of information’s. It can be used educational as well as research purposes. It is growing rapidly and is a fast spreading technology.
History of Internet:
The Internet was established in the early 1960s that saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information on research and development in scientific as well as military fields. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT, first established a global network of computers in 1962, and moved over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Leonard Klein rock of MIT and later UCLA developed the theory of packet switching, which was to form the basis of Internet connections. Lawrence Roberts of MIT connected a Massachusetts computer with a California computer in 1965 over dial-up telephone lines. It showed the feasibility of wide area networking through out, but also showed that the telephone line's circuit switching was inadequate. Klein rock’s packet switching theory was confirmed. Roberts moved over to DARPA in 1966 and developed his plan for ARPANET.
A network later developed in American Defense institute PANTAGON.
Negative Effects of Internet:
Negative effects of Computers and the Internet on Society Nowadays, computer is praised as an incredible intellectual tool in our society. People get addicted when they use internet. Most of the people come online and waste their precious time. Internet usage effects youth as well as children life. Children waste their time by playing online games on internet. Youth generation waste their time by chatting and searching prohibited (pornographic) sites.
Why is the Internet so addicting? Two reasons: information and freedom. People go online to get information (music, news, stock prices, etc). Logging onto the Internet is like a kid going to a toy store; there is so much to do and explore that once you get in, you never want to leave it. Time will pass very fast. You cannot realize that time is passing very fastly when someone use internet.
Mostly students copy articles on the internet when teacher give them assignment.
Suppose that a student is given as assignment to write a ten-page research paper on a particular topic. The student finds numerous articles addressing the topic, downloads the articles, and cuts and pastes significant portions of several of these articles for inclusion in his or her research paper. If these "cut and pasted" portions are not properly referenced by the student, his or her conduct constitutes plagiarism, and if the plagiarism is discovered, the student should face some sort of sanctions for his or her inappropriate behavior in preparing the paper. Survey says that thirty-eight percent of the students surveyed admitted to performing just this sort of cut-and-paste plagiarism. Between 75 and 90 percent of teenagers in the United States use the Internet to email, instant message (IM), visit chat rooms and explore other sites on the World Wide Web. People also go online because the Internet offers freedom to do whatever they want, to say whatever they want and to be whoever they want. They use internet many time a day. Youth generation make friendships during chatting, they don’t know either boy or girl is talking to them. Some times people get serious about any one, after that he/she knows that there is no required person talking to him/her, just making him/her fool. They get confused when some one breaks their hart or play with their intentions. There is some Web browser (The program in which you can explore internet etc. Internet Explore, Opera, Mozilla, Flock) and software’s available that banned the prohibited and unfair sites. You can lock your computer for opening such a sites so that user can not access these types of sites. Such types of softwares are available that restrict pornographic websites on your computer.
This could have a negative effect since people will act in certain ways and say certain things that they otherwise wouldn’t do in real life. Furthermore, because the Internet offers so much freedom, you can find your ideal self much easier, but it’s not the same as your social self. The difference is due to you talking to a computer screen and you talking to a real person. Thus, the experiences we encounter on the Internet are not the same as the ones we encounter in real life. 
There is another bad effect of internet. Cyber crimes are being increased.
Some people commit crimes and make fool to people. Hacking is also a big negative effect of internet. Hacking means misuse someone’s private or sensitive data without his permission. Hacker destroys very important data of companies.
There are some organizations which are acting against illegal access of data (Hacking).Hackers must be punished. There is also a terminology cracking. Cracking is to use software in illegal way. They access software’s which are not allowed to access publicly. Some companies buy their products, but some people (Cracker) use that type of software illegally, and after that the financial condition of company will be destabilized. They also change or update the software’s so it can not be accessed by the owner of software. Software engineering facing very serious issues likes hacking, cracking and piracy. It is a big cyber crime to access the data or programs illegally.
Virus destroys computer programs (Software’s) as well as computer hardware. Virus is a destructive program which destroys the data of computer.
Viruses are produced to back corrupt companies, to destabilize their economical position. Some companies develop Antivirus to overcome the situation created by viruses. Anti viruses locate and delete virus files. Some multinational organizations are working against virus’s production and spreading of viruses.
There are some sexual websites which are very dangerous especially for youth generation of this era. This increases bad intention among the youth people of society. People get infected in their sexual intentions. They commit different bad crimes (Such as adultery, Rape). It is also against the Islamic teachings. Many jobs permanently eliminated, millions of people become unemployed. Health risks increased as the overuse of computers. People get tired when they use internet.
More than 70% of Chinese children between ages 7 and 15 had
used the Internet at least once, according to a survey Sun's center
carried out last year. That was nearly half as many again as the 2005
figure, and the total rose to 87 percent when only urban youngsters
were polled. More than half of town-dwelling children today live in
homes with an Internet connection.
Employees use internet on their official time, this is not good for the company in which they work. It is wastage of their time.
Employees have been fired from their jobs after spending too much time on the Internet for non‑job‑related purposes; in at least one case, an employee was fired after approaching the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for help with her Internet addiction.
There is also a copyright factor involves in that. International copyright policy says that the information’s can not be accessed without the permission of owner of information, and violating this rule will result in punishment. So many people violate copyright act, which is very dangerous for the owner of information. Illegal download of games, songs, articles are also very common. And now Torrent is becoming popular in illegal downloads of games, movies etc.
The Internet is perhaps the most significant creations of the 20th Century, offering unprecedented communication tool that link friends and families around the world. It provides users access to an incredible volume of information and is an invaluable tool of the academic and business world.
However, the Internet can also be dangerous place for people of all ages, especially children and teen aged peoples. Therefore it is vital that parents are aware if how to minimize the dangers to their children, and to be able to inform their children of what measures to take in order to keep their Internet time as secure as possible.
Children are often introduced to the Internet at an early age, at which time the parent has full control over their child's Internet use. As the child develops however, parents naturally have to gradually relinquish this control, whilst at the same time doing all they can to keep their children safe form the dangers that the Internet poses. So compare internet use of people having different ages.

Age 2 to 4
At this age children start interacting with the computer in the presence of their parents. There are numerous sites that are can be suitable for this age group but, in most cases, it makes sense for the parent and child explore together. This is not just because of safety, but also a way to assure that the child has a pleasant experience. It's probably best for parents to choose the Web sites they visit and not let them leave those sites on their own.
Age 4 to 8
 For the first time children begin to explore on their own, but it's still important for parents to be in very close touch with their children to see what their children’s are doing on the Net. When your child's at this age it becomes important to restrict his or her access only to sites that you have visited and that you feel are appropriate for use. At this age it's important that kids experience positive results from sites that they come across. The issue here isn't so much about avoiding dangerous sites, but about making sure that they are visiting sites that don't frustrate them.
Age 8 to 11
During this period, for the first time children begin looking outside the family for new information, and peer pressure begins to become an issue for many kids. It's also a time when kids are looking for more independence from parents. During these years, children should be encouraged to explore more their own, but that doesn't mean that the parents shouldn't close by. For this age group, consider putting the computer in a kitchen area, or any other areas where the child has access to parents while using the internet. That way, they can be "independent" but not alone. Also, this is a prime age to start to make use of commercially available Internet filtering and monitoring software such as office monitoring software network version.
When your child is at this stage, you need to be concerned not so much about what he's doing online and with the PC as how long he's spending on the PC. Be sure that his time on the computer and the Internet doesn't take away from all his other activities. Children to need to spend there free time immersed in a variety of different activities,
Age 12 to 14
At this time children often become very social and consequently are most likely to be interested in online chat. Kids should understand basic privacy rules and should be aware that they can never give out information about themselves or to get together with anyone they meet online without first checking with their parents. Also, it should be emphasized that they should never exchange photographs with people they don't know. At this age they need to understand clearly the fact that people on the Internet may not be who they are made out to be.

This is also an age where many children start to become interested in sexual matters. During this early period of exploration, it is especially important for kids to know that their parents are around and know what they are doing. You may not need to be in the same room as your kids the entire time they're on the Net, but they do need to know that you and other family members can come in at any time, and can ask them about what they are doing online. If it is not possible for parents to be around all the time, then commercial Internet monitoring software is a vital tool for parents at this time.

A strong argument of get an Internet filter is thus; If kids search hard enough, they can probably find Web sites and newsgroups that explore sexual fantasies that they -- and even you -- might find disturbing or even frightening.

Children at this age are likely to be interested in games that they can download from the Internet to play either online or offline. Some of these games may have content that is highly violent, so it's important to be aware of what your kids are doing on the internet, even when they're not connected to the Internet.
When using filtering software, you may need to explain to them that you are doing it to protect them from material that you consider to be harmful. Just as you might not let them go to certain places in your home town, you have the right to keep them from surfing to certain types of places in cyberspace.
Age14 to 17
At this age a person is beginning to mature physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Consequently he or she desires to experience increasing independence from parents.
Youths are also more likely to risks both online and offline. While the likelihood of a teen being abducted by someone he meets in a chat room is relatively low, there is always they are made out to be online. Teens need to understand that to be in control of themselves means being vigilant, on the alert for people who might hurt them.
the possibility that he or she will meet someone who will want to have a personal relationship, and teens must be aware that these people might be very different of how
If a teen does want to meet someone he or she met online, it's important that the teen does not go alone and that the meeting takes place somewhere in public.
A teen should be given Internet privileges, that are subject to been taken away if the Internet is misused. However, remember that your teen will soon be an adult and needs
to know not just how to behave but how to make his or her own judgment, and so finding his or her own conclusions on how to explore the Net and life in general in a safe and productive manner.
The following list should be given to your children and referred back to often. They are standard rules that children should keep to in order to keep their online activity as safe as possible.
People should know that:
1) I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents' work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parents' permission. I will not fill out questionnaires or any forms online. This includes chat rooms, instant messages, email, surfing the Net and event entering contests or registering for clubs online.

2) I will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.

3) I will never agree to get together with someone I "meet" online without first checking with my parents. If my parents agree to the meeting, I will be sure that it is in a public place and bring my mother or father along.

4) I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parents.

5) I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. If I do, I will Log off and tell my parents. If I get such a message, I will not respond. Instead, I will show it to my parents and let them deal with it.

6) I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for going online. We will decide upon the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online and appropriate areas for me to visit. I will not access other areas or break these rules without their permission.

7) I will not give out my Internet password to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents.

8) I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or jeopardize my family's privacy

9) I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.

10) I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology.

11) I will not enter a chat room without Mum and/or Dad's presence or supervision. Some "kids" in chat rooms may not really be kids; they may be adults with bad intentions.

12) I will never respond to or send an e-mail or instant message to a stranger, or accept e-mails, enclosures, links, URLs or other things online from people you I know. I will talk to my parents first so they can check it out.

13) I will not keep an online profile as this serves as a lightening rod for predators. If I do keep such a profile I am much more likely to be approached in chat rooms by dangerous people.

The first point referred to keeping information private. This is a vitally important point that children need to be reminded of again and again.

Children should know that if people get hold of private information through the Internet; they might want to use it so they can try to sell them things. They might send them unwanted and highly inappropriate e-mail (spam). They might actually sell or trade their information with another company. Or, they might have much more sinister and dangerous intentions, and use this information to try to make personal contact with the child, at first through the Internet, and then maybe face to face.

office monitoring software a filtering and monitoring software company, whose products were highly rated by PC Magazine, Tech TV, Lockergnome, Kim Komando Show and by others, is designed to enable children to use the Internet, whilst been shielded from its harmful and potentially dangerous effects. It is an essential tool for any parent who cannot be around to physically watch over their child's use of the Internet. In relation to the tips for children listed above, office monitoring software can help in the following ways;

You can use it to block any personal information from being sent over the Internet; from your credit card numbers to your address. It offers an advanced monitoring system that enables you to check on the activity of your child at a later time that is convenient to you. You can limit the times that your child can use the Internet (and the computer as a whole,) and the web sites that he or she has access to. You can block your child from entering chat rooms and instant messaging programs (MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, AOL messengers), and so lessening the dangers of predators being able to communicate with your child. You can restrict access to programs and sites that enable children to keep an on-line profile on the net.

These are just a few of the many benefits that office monitoring software network version can bring to you and your family. For more information please refer to the site at office monitoring software

Advantages of Internet:
There are some advantages of Internet. Students can get a lot of information to internet. Student can search information from any field on internet in just few minutes. Many multinational companies are doing their business by internet. They upload prices of products on the website. People open website and buy products through Credit Card. Companies deliver products via Courier Service.
This is very efficient and quick way of doing business. People get their required product in home on sitting internet. People can talk to their relatives and also can see video or hear sound of person by home he/she is talking. People can get online access of gaming and increase their IQ level. You can download your required software, songs, documentaries, video and news by just clicking on it. You can email your collogues to deliver very precious information by just clicking, and he/she will receive it just in a minute. By using internet you can share a lot of information anywhere in the world. Business mans calls a meeting in all the regional offices, their manager sitting at different places (Countries) can share their views as they are sitting in a room (But actually they are sitting at different places). People can research on internet. Research can be either for military purpose or educational research. Peoples can read daily newspapers, newels; articles make discussion to others by using internet.
Search engines make it convenient to search anything on internet.
 You just enter your subject or pares in which information’s are required, Search engine will search it. There are so many internet search engines (,,,
There is cost comes along with all these advantages. Although internet potential to enhance the equality of human life.
Internet has influenced every aspect of people's lives
Excited and emboldened by the wealth of information they find on the
Internet, China’s current high school generation is plugging itself directly into international culture.
And it's giving the kids ideas. Ideas that could one day transform the
way this country is governed. Many are using those wings to fly in the face of received wisdom about how and what they should learn, and about how much respect they owe to authority.
The reason is that they have the Internet as a way to learn
things, and because a lot more of them travel. They have more ways of
acquiring knowledge.
->137 Million Online in China
Internet use in world has exploded in recent years, and at the
forefront of that revolution have been young people, hungry for a
taste of life outside their country's borders.
 In 1999, there were just four million Internet connections in China; by the end of last year there were 137 million.  
That gives them opportunities to broaden their minds that teachers
often cannot match.
A lot of teachers over 40 feel uneasy and uncomfortable with the new
knowledge their students have, and their lack of control. A series of reforms since 1997 have edged the Chinese education system away from rote learning and towards a more Western emphasis on independent thought.
We are moving from a teacher-centered to a student-centered
approach, if we want to produce top talent we need millions of
inquisitive and critical-minded innovative talents. The new generation
will develop the ability to explore things.
Students are allowed to write history essays that disagree with the textbook's conclusion about the political significance, for example, of the Boxer Rebellion against colonial powers.
That exam is so critical for ambitious students desperate to get into World's top universities that fear acts as a brake on change. Which prides itself on the high proportion of its graduates who get into the best colleges?
Students that they are still scared to challenge their teachers or to spend much time exploring topics outside the prescribed curriculum. At more ordinary schools, too, teachers do not always encourage student-initiated digressions.
The Internet encompasses the World Wide Web (Web), file transfer protocol sites (FTPs), newsgroups (electronic bulletin boards) and gopher sites (often used for government sites and one of the first widely used ways of accessing the Internet). Taken as a whole, the "Internet" connotes the interconnectivity of computers, information services and electronic mail services. From a single computer terminal or personal computer, individuals on the information superhighway are able to connect to a variety of other electronic resources for entertainment, information or to conduct business; most of these connections take place over telephone lines. Today, most users do not consider connectivity costs which once prohibited heavy use of the Internet; such costs are typically borne by companies or subsidized by the government through educational institutions. Even in those situations where individuals pay for connecting to the Internet, there may be a flat-rate subsidized by advertising paid to the company providing the connection.
Blogging is a way in which people earn money. People post the host issues(Economical, Political, Environmental) on blogging site. Other people access this blog and pass their comments. The owner of blog will be paid as much as blog is accessed.
The conclusion is that internet has its advantages and disadvantages. It depends upon user in which way he/she use the internet. Computer is a electronic device, and internet is its fastest growing technology. Computer or internet will not insist you to use it badly. Computer is not creative as human brain. So it depends upon person that he/she use it positively and get information or use it negatively.
If you use internet in positive way it is a very good approach for getting knowledge.

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